Informal Job Offer Email Sample

In this article, we’ll take a look at an Informal Job Offer Email Sample. We’ll provide several examples that you can use as inspiration and edit to fit your specific needs. Whether you’re a hiring manager looking to extend an offer to a qualified candidate or a job seeker who wants to negotiate the terms of an offer, these examples will give you the tools you need to craft a professional and effective email.

Crafting an Informal Job Offer Email Sample

When extending a job offer, it’s crucial to communicate in a manner that reflects your company’s culture and aligns with the candidate’s expectations. In certain instances, an informal job offer email can be an effective approach, particularly when dealing with candidates in creative or tech industries where formality may not be the norm. An informal email can help establish a friendly and approachable tone, making the candidate feel valued and excited about the opportunity.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of an informal job offer email sample to guide you in crafting your own:

  • Subject Line: Keep it clear and concise. For example, “Job Offer: Join Our Creative Team!”
  • Opening Salutation: Use a warm and friendly greeting. For instance, “Hey [Candidate’s Name],.”
  • Introduction: Begin with a brief introduction, expressing your gratitude for the candidate’s interest and enthusiasm during the interview process.
  • Job Offer: Clearly state the job title, department, and brief details about the role’s responsibilities. Be transparent about the job’s location, whether it’s remote, hybrid, or on-site.
  • Compensation and Benefits: Outline the salary range or proposed compensation, as well as any relevant benefits such as health insurance, vacation time, and retirement plans.
  • Next Steps: Briefly explain the next steps, including any necessary paperwork or documents they need to complete. You can provide contact information for the HR department or hiring manager for any questions they may have.
  • Tone and Language: Use an informal and conversational tone throughout the email, avoiding formal business jargon. This helps create a more relaxed and engaging atmosphere.
  • Personal Touch: Add a personal touch by acknowledging something specific from the interview or thanking them for their unique qualifications that make them a great fit for the role.
  • Call to Action: Encourage the candidate to respond with their decision within a reasonable timeframe, usually a week or two. State that you’re available to discuss further details or answer any questions they may have.
  • Closing: Conclude the email with a friendly and positive note, expressing your excitement about their potential addition to the team.

Remember, the goal of an informal job offer email is to provide essential information while maintaining a warm and friendly tone. Be genuine, enthusiastic, and respectful in your communication to create a positive experience for the candidate.

Informal Job Offer Email Samples

Related Tips

Here are many strategies to think about while writing an informal task offer email:

Keep It Simple

An informal task offer email should be brief and to the point. Get directly to the point and keep the email concise.

Use a Friendly Tone

Use a friendly and approachable tone and language in your email. Keep in mind that you’re creating a personal connection with the candidate.

Be Clear and Direct

Make sure you’re going straight forward and clear about the job offer. State the position’s title, a brief job description, details about compensation and benefits, and the start date. Be clear about what the work involves and what is expected of the candidate.

Personalize the Email

Include a personal touch by addressing the candidate by name. Show that you took the time to review their resume and that you believe they’re a good fit for the role.

Be Positive and Enthusiastic

Convey your excitement about the opportunity and the candidate’s potential contribution to the company. Show your enthusiasm for bringing them on board.

Include Next Steps

Specify the next steps in the hiring process, such as scheduling an interview or sending additional information. Provide clear instructions and a timeline.


Proofread your email carefully for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. A well-written email reflects positively on you and the company.

Follow Up

Follow up with the candidate after a reasonable amount of time if you haven’t received a response. Show your continued interest in their candidacy.

What should an informal job offer email include?

Q: What should an informal job offer email include?

A: An informal job offer email should include information such as the job title, a brief description of the role and responsibilities, the salary range, the benefits package, the start date, and any other relevant details about the position.

Q: How can I express my excitement about the candidate’s potential contribution to the company?

A: You can express your excitement by highlighting the candidate’s skills, experience, and qualifications that align with the role. Mention how their expertise and enthusiasm would be valuable to the team and contribute to the company’s goals.

Q: How can I ensure the job offer is clear and concise?

A: To ensure clarity and conciseness, use simple language that is easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that the candidate may not be familiar with. Be direct and straightforward in presenting the job offer, and provide all the essential information in a well-organized manner.

Q: How can I create a sense of urgency without being pushy?

A: To create a sense of urgency without being pushy, you can mention that the position is in high demand and that they may have limited time to consider the offer. You can also emphasize the benefits and opportunities that come with the role, and how it aligns with their career goals. This approach encourages the candidate to take prompt action while respecting their decision-making process.

Q: How can I address any potential concerns or questions the candidate may have?

A: To address potential concerns or questions, you can invite the candidate to schedule a call or meeting to discuss the offer in more detail. This allows them to ask any questions they may have about the role, the company, or the benefits package. Additionally, you can provide contact information for the HR department or the hiring manager so the candidate can reach out with any inquiries.

Q: How can I make the email inviting and engaging?

A: To make the email inviting and engaging, you can use a friendly and conversational tone. Address the candidate by their name and express your appreciation for their time and consideration. You can also include a personal touch by mentioning something specific about their background or experience that aligns with the role. This approach helps create a connection and makes the candidate feel valued.

Q: How can I conclude the email professionally?

A: To conclude the email professionally, thank the candidate for their interest in the position and reiterate your excitement about their potential contribution to the company. You can also mention that you look forward to hearing from them soon and provide a deadline for their response. Including a professional closing such as “Best regards” or “Sincerely” adds a formal touch and leaves a positive impression.

Thanks for Reading!

I hope this article has given you some helpful tips on how to write an informal job offer email. Remember to keep it casual and friendly, and to make sure that you include all of the important information. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m always happy to help.

In the meantime, be sure to check out our other articles on job searching and career development. We’ve got tons of great information to help you find your dream job and succeed in your career. Thanks again for reading, and we hope to see you again soon!